新聞報導News coverage 百川第6屆錄取生李宛軒同學榮獲2023總統教育獎(高中組) 2023-05-222023-05-22 https://pea.ncyu.edu.tw/show_n...
百川之光Light of Arete 恭喜尤理衡參與111年「資安技能金盾獎」獲大專組第一名(黃俊穎教授指導林宇翔、尤理衡、林祐聖同學)Congratulations to Yu Li-Heng for participating in the “Cyber Security Competition” in the year 111 and winning first place in the college division (under the guidance of Professor Chun-Ying Huang, with the participation of students Lin Yu-Xiang, Yu Li-Heng, and Lin You-Sheng) 2023-05-122023-09-01 https://csc.nics.nat.gov.tw/ne...