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Course requirements [128 credits for graduation]
26 credits of common courses for the whole school
- 核心課程至少18 學分
- 語言與溝通至少6 學分
- physical education
- 基礎/專業服務學習 2學分
Compulsory course 46-84 credits
- 專業核心課程28-32學分 (修習課程列表詳參本校跨域學程公布之必修科目表,法律核心請參考修業規章表6)
- Baichuan Academy 4 credits
- Humanities and Science Classics Reading 4 credits
- 專題探索3學分
- Graduation topic 6-9 credits (6 credits are required, and the excess credits are recognized as elective course credits)
- Supplementary courses 0-34 credits
- Optional courses offered by the school's professional department or apply for inter-school electives according to regulations