Activities 系友林芷廷陪老爸返鄉,在嘉義新港奉天宮(媽祖廟)後方,與林懷民祖厝「培桂堂」同一條街上,打造了「山鳩咖啡」Alumna Lin Zi-ting accompanies her father back to their hometown, where they developed “39 Cafe” on the same street as the “Pei Guaitang,” Lin Huimin’s ancestral home, located behind the Jianiang Fengtiangong (Mazu Temple) in Chiayi’s Xinguang! 2024-12-31…
Activities 系友王如璇返鄉,於大埤新據點繼續戮力母語運動Alumni Wang Ru-xuan returns to her hometown to continue her efforts in the mother tongue movement at the new base in Dapi! 2024-12-312024-12-31…
Activities 混成式場域的學習分析研究分享- Learning Analytics Research in the Hybrid Settings 2021-10-012021-10-01 百川學程主任吳俊育教授分享【混成式場域的學習分析研究分享- …
師生活動Activities… The program of the stone EN sub classmates and the school virtual idol auspices of Yang Ming Jiao Tong bi dictionary 2021-06-152021-07-27 News link
Activities Hi, AI/GORDON CHENG and Yang Valley 洋教 granted mapping the back seat talking about 2021-04-212021-07-27 活動時間:2021年 05月 23日 15:30活動地點:國…
Activities PodCast|non-mainstream boarding adults 2021-03-312023-03-28 由百川學程同學自製Podcast節目,已於各大平台上架,可搜…
Activities The admission after action EP. 1|theatre, exhibitions, as well as thoughts and growth 2021-03-242021-08-12 「你對理想社會的想像,是什麼?」 這次訪談的兩名主角——原榕…