Light of Arete 恭喜本學程陳俞蒨、汪其珈、蔡同學榮獲 教育部資科司 iLink 計畫 生成式AI創意應用大賽 築夢組全國第二名Congratulations to Chen Yu-chien, Wang Chi-chia, and TSai for winning second place nationwide in the Ministry of Education’s iLink Project AI Creativty contest in the Dream Building category! 2025-01-062025-01-06 ,…
Activities 系友林芷廷陪老爸返鄉,在嘉義新港奉天宮(媽祖廟)後方,與林懷民祖厝「培桂堂」同一條街上,打造了「山鳩咖啡」Alumna Lin Zi-ting accompanies her father back to their hometown, where they developed “39 Cafe” on the same street as the “Pei Guaitang,” Lin Huimin’s ancestral home, located behind the Jianiang Fengtiangong (Mazu Temple) in Chiayi’s Xinguang! 2024-12-31…
Activities 系友王如璇返鄉,於大埤新據點繼續戮力母語運動Alumni Wang Ru-xuan returns to her hometown to continue her efforts in the mother tongue movement at the new base in Dapi! 2024-12-312024-12-31…
Light of Arete 恭賀本學程學生黃韻文同學獲113學年度新竹市學生音樂比賽暨鄉土歌謠個人組比賽柳葉琴獨奏大專A組第一名Congratulations to student Huang Yun-wen for achieving 1st place in the Collegiate Group A solo performance with the Liuqin at the 113th Hsinchu City Student Music Competition and Folk Song Individual Competition! 2024-12-312024-12-31…
Light of Arete 恭賀本學程學生張今菁同學獲2024中華電信基金會「蹲點・台灣」計畫大賞獎Congratulations to student Zhang Jin-jing for winning the Grand Prize in the 2024 Chunghwa Telecom Foundation’s “Click Taiwan” project! 2024-12-312024-12-31…
Light of Arete 恭賀本學程學生吳佳芸獲國際傑人會中華民國總會第31屆傑青獎Congratulations to student Wu Jia-yun for receiving the 31st Youth Award from the International Outstanding Young Person Association of the Republic of China! 2024-12-312024-12-31…
Light of Arete 恭賀本學程學生吳佳芸獲2024亞洲定向越野錦標賽暨亞青年與青少年賽(泰國清邁)獲女子菁英組中距離接力第5名Congratulations to student Wu Jia-yun for achieving 5th place in the Women’s Elite Group Mid-The 2024 Asian Orienteering Championships and Asian Youth and Junior Championships held in Chiang Mai, Thailand! 2024-12-312024-12-31…
Light of Arete 恭賀本學程陳以荷同學榮獲113學年度全國學生美術比賽書法類大專非美術科系組佳作Congratulations to Chen Yi-He, a student in our program, for receiving an Honorable Mention in the Calligraphy category (Non-Art Major College Division) of the 113th National Student Art Competition. 2024-11-292024-11-29 113學年度全國學生美術比賽書法類大專非美術科系組得獎名冊
Light of Arete 恭賀本學程學生林以嵐、黃暘榮獲法雅客24小時馬拉松攝影比賽台北場金獎Congratulations to our program students YI-LAN LIN and YANG HUANG for winning the Gold Award at the Taipei leg of the FAYAKE 24-Hour Marathon Photography Competition! 2024-11-272024-11-27 第20屆城市24小時攝影馬拉松 ❙ 得獎名單 作品欣賞
Light of Arete 恭賀本學程蔡廷羿同學榮獲113年度王惕吾先生新聞獎學金Congratulations to our program student, Ting-Yi Tsai, for being awarded the 2024 Wang Ti-Wu NEWS Scholarship 2024-11-212024-11-22 獲獎新聞連結
Light of Arete 恭賀本學程賴嘉騏同學榮獲第14屆新北市文學獎新住民文學-創作組佳作Congratulations to our program student, Jia-Chi Lai, for receiving an Honorable Mention in the Creative Writing Category of the New Immigrant Literature Division at the 14th New Taipei City Literature Awards 2024-11-202024-11-20 第14屆新北市文學獎得獎名單