Light of Arete 恭喜陳冠瑄同學參加第53屆亞太盃橋牌混銅牌,並取得世界盃代表權資格。 2023-06-302023-06-30 53rd Asia Pacific Bridge Feder…
Light of Arete 恭喜百川4位學生獲112年國科會大專生計畫核定通過補助Congratulations to the four students from Arete Honors Prgram for receiving approval and support from the National Science Council’s College Student Program in the year 112. 2023-06-302023-09-01…
Light of Arete 恭喜本學程5位大四同學榮獲111學年度學生傑出貢獻獎Congratulations to the five senior students from our program who have been honored with the Student Outstanding Contribution Award for the 111th academic year. 2023-06-102023-09-01 獲獎同學名單請參考下列網址。Please refer to …