Light of Arete 恭賀本學程陳以荷同學榮獲113學年度全國學生美術比賽書法類大專非美術科系組佳作Congratulations to Chen Yi-He, a student in our program, for receiving an Honorable Mention in the Calligraphy category (Non-Art Major College Division) of the 113th National Student Art Competition. 2024-11-292024-11-29 113學年度全國學生美術比賽書法類大專非美術科系組得獎名冊
Light of Arete 恭賀本學程學生林以嵐、黃暘榮獲法雅客24小時馬拉松攝影比賽台北場金獎Congratulations to our program students YI-LAN LIN and YANG HUANG for winning the Gold Award at the Taipei leg of the FAYAKE 24-Hour Marathon Photography Competition! 2024-11-272024-11-27 第20屆城市24小時攝影馬拉松 ❙ 得獎名單 作品欣賞
Light of Arete 恭賀本學程蔡廷羿同學榮獲113年度王惕吾先生新聞獎學金Congratulations to our program student, Ting-Yi Tsai, for being awarded the 2024 Wang Ti-Wu NEWS Scholarship 2024-11-212024-11-22 獲獎新聞連結
Light of Arete 恭賀本學程賴嘉騏同學榮獲第14屆新北市文學獎新住民文學-創作組佳作Congratulations to our program student, Jia-Chi Lai, for receiving an Honorable Mention in the Creative Writing Category of the New Immigrant Literature Division at the 14th New Taipei City Literature Awards 2024-11-202024-11-20 第14屆新北市文學獎得獎名單
Light of Arete 恭賀本學程孔令妍同學當選本校學生會第五屆會長Congratulations to Kong Lingyan, the student of Arete Honors Program, on being elected as the President of the 5th Student Association of NYCU. 2024-11-192024-11-19